- Abe T, Kitayuguchi J, Hamano T, Yamasaki M, Yano S, Isomura M. Identifying high priority populations for dietary salt
reduction using the TARPARE model: a cross-sectional study. INQUIRY, 61, 469580241282776, 2024.
- 濱野強. 地理情報システムを活用した地域の現状把握・分析・意思決定:中山間地域での事例. 第12回日本公衆衛生看護学会学術集会,
- 濱野強. COVID-19後の研究への向き合い方. 日本健康教育学会誌, 32(3), 135, 2024.
- Neighborhood deprivation in relation to lung cancer in
individualswith type 2 diabetes - A nationwide cohort study (2005-2018). PLoS One. 18(7):e0288959. 2023.
- Abe T, Okuyama K, Kamada M, Kitayuguchi J, Hamano T, Waki H, Nabika T, Isomura M, Sundquist K. Association between
flexibility activity and blood-pressure change among older adults in Japan: a 5-year longitudinal study. Scandinavian Journal of
Medicine and Science in Sports. 33(8), 1552-1559, 2023.
- 濱野強、新保みさ. なっじを活用した健康教育・ヘルスプロモーション:本邦における研究の紹介. 日本健康教育学会誌, 31(2), 93-98, 2023.
- 濱野強、新保みさ.健康教育・ヘルスプロモーションにおけるなっじの可能性. 日本健康教育学会誌, 31(2), 66-67, 2023.
- 濱野強. 第8章 社会関係資本と健康. [新訂]健康と社会. 戸ヶ里泰典, 編. 128-142, 2023.
- 濱野強. 第10章 健康に老いることができる社会. [新訂]健康と社会. 戸ヶ里泰典, 編. 164-179, 2023.
- Tominaga K, Abe T, Ando Y, Hamano T, Isomura M, Nabika T, Yano S. Changes in masticatory performance and the new onset
of diabetes mellitus in older adults: A 5-year longitudinal study. Diabetology International, 14(2), 165-171, 2022.
- Jansåker F, Nymberg VM, Sundquist J, Okuyama K, Hamano T, Sundquist K, Li X. Neighborhood deprivation and coronary heart disease in
patiensts with bipolar disorder. Scientific Reports, 12, 16763, 2022.
- Abe T, Endo T, Hamano T, Okuyakma K, Yano S. Changes in the urinary sodium-to-potassium ratio are associated with blood pressure
change in older Japanese adults:a 7-year longitudinal study. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 11(17), 5093, 2022.
- Abe T, Ando Y, Hamano T, Yano S, Isomura M, Nabika T. Reduced masticatory performance and not using dentures in tooth loss are
associataed with hypertension in older adults: the Shimane CoHRE Study. Hypertension Research. 45(10), 1553-1562, 2022.
- Hamano T, Abe T, Miyazaki R, Okuyama K, Sundquist K, Nabika T. Car driving status and living arrangement associated with sarcopenia
among rural Japanese older adults: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(1), 414,
- 富永一道, 土崎しのぶ, 濱野強, 安藤雄一. 5年間の咀嚼能力の変化別にみた糖尿病発生率の比較. 第71回日本口腔衛生学会・総会(Web開催).
口腔衛生学会雑誌, 72: 97, 2022.
- 富永一道, 矢野彰三, 安部孝文, 土崎しのぶ, 濱野強, 安藤雄一. 低咀嚼能力が健康寿命阻害要因となる可能性について. 第9回日本サルコペニア・
フレイル学会大会(立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス) . 日本サルコペニア・フレイル学会誌, 6: 210, 2022.
- Abe T, Okuyama K, Hamano T, Kamada M, Isomura M, Nabika T, Miyazaki R. Association between hilliness and walking speed in
community dwelling older Japanese adults: A cross-sectional study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 97, 104510, 2021.
- Hamano T, Li X, Sundquist J, Sundquist K.Is neighbourhood linking social capital associated with colorectal cancer incidence and
mortality? A national cohort study from Sweden. Journal of Primary Prevention. 42(5), 493-510, 2021.
- Abe T, Okuyama K, Hamano T, Takeda M, Yamasaki M, Isomura M, Nakano K, Sundquist K, NabikaT. Assessing the impact of a hilly
environment on depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older adults in Japan: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(9), 4520, 2021.
- Hamano T, Li X, Sundquist J, Sundquist K. Neighborhood social capital and incidence and mortality of prostate cancer: a Swedish cohort
study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 33(12), 3333-3342,2021.
- Kijima T, Matsushita A, Akai K, Hamano T, Takahashi S, Fujiwara K, Fujiwara Y, Sato M, Nabika T, Sundquist K, Sundquist J, Ishibashi Y,
Kumakura S. Patient satisfaction and loyalty in Japanese primary care: a cross-sectional study. BMC Health Services Research.21,274,2021.
- Tominaga K, Yano S, Abe T, Tsuchizaki S, Hamano T, Ando Y. The relationships between masticatory ability and locomotive syndrome of the
elderly aged 65-74. Shimane Journal of Medical Science. 38, 7-12, 2021.
- 安部孝文, 鎌田真光, 北湯口純, 濱野強, 武田美輪子.高齢者の柔軟運動・筋力向上運動と血圧の変化との関連:5年間の縦断研究.第80回公衆衛生学会総会(東京大学・ハイブリッド開催).日本公衆衛生学会抄録集, 80:476, 2021.
- 濱野強, 安部孝文, 磯村実, 並河徹. 中山間地域在住の高齢者を対象とした食塩摂取量と高血圧症に関する検討:7年間の追跡調査より. 第31回日本疫学会学術総会 (Web開催). Journal of Epidemiology, 31(1): 133, 2021.